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Application examples

Biological wastewater treatment plants
You may deduce whether the measured location is in an aerobic or anaerobic area according to the value of oxidation-reduction potential (redox potential). At biological wastewater treatment plants, the running of de-nitrifying stages may be monitored and optimised by measuring the oxidation-reduction potential.

Drinking water treatment plants
The measuring of oxidation-reduction potential is mostly utilised for controlling preparation of sand filters with permanganate. For this application, it is necessary to use sensors with automatic cleaning of the SPR 41ME and SPO 41MEK types.

It is also possible to monitor low concentrations (up to approximately 0.15 mg per litre) of chlorine, chlorine dioxide or ozone in clean (treated) water by measuring oxidation-reduction potential.

It is also possible to monitor low concentrations (up to approximately 0.15 mg per litre) of chlorine, chlorine dioxide or ozone in clean (treated) water by measuring oxidation-reduction potential.

Indoor and open-air swimming pools
The MFD 88 pH + ORP + chlorine controller, capable of measuring pH, chlorine and redox potential, is optimal for measuring water in indoor and open-air swimming pools. This controller may

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