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Application examples

Drinking water treatment plants
The measurement of conductivity is utilised during preparation of lime milk for subsequent alkalisation. The controllers control proportioning elements and ensure the optimal concentration of lime milk. The values of conductivity are in tens of mS/cm

Feed water
Conductivity is one of the principal parameters of feed water. Conductivity values range from tenths to units of S/cm. A two-electrode sensor of the C 21 or C 29 types is used for the measuring.

Indoor and open-air swimming pools
Up-to-date methods of water disinfection use salt solution instead of chlorine. Water treated in this way has properties similar to those of seawater. This water is suitable especially for people sensitive to chlorine. The measuring of conductivity is utilised during preparation of salt solution of a suitable concentration – the solution is subsequently proportioned into clean water at the inlet of an indoor or open-air swimming pool.

Production of distilled and de-ionised water
Conductivity is one of the principal parameters for determining quality of distilled, re-distilled or de-ionised water. Conductivity values range from units to tenths of S/cm. A sensor of the C 21 type is suitable for the measuring.

Surface water monitoring
Conductivity is one of the standard parameters measured in surface water.

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